Front cover Farmers Build Healthy Soil

Build Heathy Soil on your Farm

Get Support with Growing Food

Our soils may not show the customary signs of soil degradation like erosion, compaction and salinity. However, they lack functioning nutrient recycling systems and soil structures promoting root growth.
It's difficult to appreciate what we can achieve as virtually all of us grow food in soil that no longer works properly. Our soil ecosystems have been in poor working order for so long that we've largely forgotten about the FREE ecological services soil ecosystems can naturally provide.
Using this Handbook, you'll build healthy soil in your production systems, developing effective ways to resource your soil organisms. They can then get on with the job for which they have had millions of years of training - maintaining functioning soil ecosystems! Your soil organisms will -

Maintain your soil infrastructure
Break down leaves and other organic waste materials and the mineral particles in the soil
Recycle the nutrients they contain and making them available for your plants to reuse

The solution is straightforward because it's eco-logical!

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The Author

Dr Wendy Seabrook is one of the world's leading experts on eco-logical approaches to growing food. Wendy translates the science into an easily digestible format and demonstrates that while ecosystems are complex, repairing them isn’t complicated.

Whether managing a smallholding in India, a commercial orchard in France or cattle in outback Australia, by applying the information in the Handbook, you'll develop practical solutions for your climate and soil.

Use the diagrams and links to videos to help you build heathy soil on your Farm!

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