
Featured Videos On Growing Food Ecologically

How to Build Healthy Soil

Issues with our soil are simply the consequence of our soil being in poor working condition. Healthy soil is a functioning ecosystem, maintaining soil structure, recycling nutrients from plant and animal waste materials and the mineral particles in the soil and making them available for our crops to reuse.

Growing Food Ecologically at Hill Top Farm

One of our videos on growing food ecologically at Hill Top Farm - the education centre for Learning from Nature.

How to Drought-Proof Your Garden

Discover the remarkably straightforward and affordable way to drought-proof your garden - no matter where you live.

How to Drought-Proof Your Farm

Discover the remarkably straightforward and cost-effective way to drought-proof your farm.

How to Improve Drainage in Your Soil

Reduce waterlogging and improve drainage in your soil by enabling your soil organisms to naturally improve drainage by improving soil structure.

How to Fix Waterlogged Soil

See how quickly excess water drains away when we enable the experts, our soil organisms, to improve our soil structure.

How to Drought-Proof Using Trees

Trees, when combined with good grazing management practices, improve pastures, supply extra forage and fodder, and help drought-proof grazing land.

Living Mulch

Tired of mulching? Grow living mulch right where you need it! Spreading mulch is not the easiest, cheapest, or best thing to do. You and your soil will be better off growing living mulch!

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