Soils are complex. We can get caught up in a maze of information – pH, cation exchange capacities, calcium-magnesium ratios, manipulating rhizospheres, microbiomes, and so on… Trapped into thinking that we need a degree in soil science to know what to do. That’s why we’ve collated videos on regenerating soil using eco-logical approaches from the Learning from Nature YouTube Channel.

Using eco-logical approaches we step down from being the Boss! We learn from and work with nature’s experts – the microbes and invertebrates in our soil. We become the supervisor, accessing their billions of years of on-the-job experience and research carried out in every soil type on the planet – including our own!

Don’t spend hours digging around…

As you’ll see, applying eco-logical principles, we get the benefits of functioning soil ecosystems:

  1. Recycling nutrients
  2. Supplying nutrients to our plants as required, and
  3. Soil structures promoting root growth and biodiverse communities of soil organisms.

There are many different ways to get your soil ecosystem functioning again.

Property size isn’t an issue. You can apply the eco-logical principles in your backyard, market garden or farm. Whether you’re growing veggies, fruit trees, cattle, or alpacas! The trick is to use approaches that work well for your circumstances. By this, I mean choosing suitable regenerative practices for your climate, soil, other growing conditions, and what you grow.

In these videos, you’ll find –

  1. How to build healthy soil eco-logically here
  2. Latest research from leading soil scientists, particularly here and here
  3. Simple tests you can use to look at the health of your soil ecosystem and water infiltration rates

Additional Support

See how we apply ecological principles to regenerate the soil on our farm here

Quick Reads –

  1. What is Healthy Soil?
  2. How to Build Healthy Soil – Eco-logically

Or alternatively, develop practical solutions with these resources –

Front cover Gardeners Build Healthy Soil

Front cover Farmers Build Healthy Soil

Featured image – 2017 Soil Health Field Day – Ray Archuleta. Ohio NoTill Council
Published on Apr 5, 2017


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